Modern Architecture Since 1900

The Age of Wonder imagine

The Age of Wonder

63,23 RON 65,87 RON
Reducere. Shortlisted for the BBC Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction Shortlisted for the Royal Society Prize for Science Book Richard Holmes, prize-winning...
stiinte umaniste, istorie, istorie: din antichitate pana in prezent, istoria moderna: 1900 - 2000
An Ever Present Danger imagine

An Ever Present Danger

57,96 RON 82,79 RON
Reducere. Examines the almost continual efforts of British and Indian soldiers (both regular and irregular) to combat and pacify the Pashtun tribes of the No...
stiinte umaniste, istorie, istorie: din antichitate pana in prezent, istorie moderna: 1700 - 1900

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